Classical Education in a Proudly Catholic, Welcoming Community

Children naturally love to learn. St. John Paul II CCS reinforces that natural love of learning.  We educate children to think and to reason, to see the wisdom and value the beauty of all of God’s creation, and to seek truth.     

All within a proudly Catholic culture, St. John Paul II CCS cultivates the art of thinking, the joy inherent in learning and in playing, and of seeing the unity of faith and reason. We give each child the tools for lifelong learning. And, as we embody our faith in our daily lives, we witness for each child how to live their faith throughout their lives, in all they do, and every role they fill.

What really matters in life is that we are loved by Christ and that we love Him in return. In comparison to the love of Jesus, everything else is secondary. And, without the love of Jesus, everything is useless.

– Pope St. John Paul II

Classroom Pages

Find individual classroom webpages here.

Lunch Menu

Find hot lunch menus here.

FACTS Portal

This is the student information system used for accessing information about tuition and enrollment.

  • 2:30-3:15 ConfessionsFebruary 22, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:15 pm  See more details

1590 Riverbank  |  Lincoln Park, MI  48146  |  313-386-0633 Phone

© 2024 St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School