About Us


We are Learning ~ Growing ~ Believing ~ Succeeding as Disciples of Christ.

School PRayer

St. John Paul, pray with us this day, for the wisdom to live our faith in our school, in our homes, and in our communities.

Warrior Oath

Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as I love you,” (John 13:34) so, I choose to use words and actions that help and heal, not hurt.

What We Offer

Favorable Student to Teacher Ratio

Spanish, Latin, Art, Music, Physical Education, Library, Technology

Classical Liberal Arts Curriculum

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Sports for grades 5-8

Intramural Sport offerings for PS-4

All School Mass and Adoration several days per week

Social and Service Opportunities

Eco Warriors Club

STREAM – Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math

What makes it classical?

Morals and Spirituality


Why Latin?

Using the best practices developed over the years at SJPII Classical Catholic School, the faculty will continue to adhere to the instructional goals that set all children up to become “joyful learners”.

Our families at SJPII Classical Catholic School can expect that their child will be taught the “how” and the “why”, and not just the “what”, while meeting each child at the level they learn.

Teaching is not telling. It is giving students tools for discovery by guiding them to cultivate a deeper level of thinking and develop a love for God and His Word.

Our Philosophy

St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School is dedicated to educating students in beliefs, practices and traditions of the Catholic Faith.
St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School incorporates parental involvement, a strong home to school community and a secure classroom environment.
The Professional Learning Community of St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School embraces diversity and encourages each student to fulfill his/her individual potential in a respectful Christian atmosphere.

School Day Schedule

7:00 am – 7:45 am – Morning Kid’s Club

7:45 am – Main Entry Doors open. Breakfast service in cafeteria. (Students arriving before 7:45 will be sent to Kid’s Club)

8:00 am – First bell rings.  All students in K through Grade 8 should be in their classrooms.

8:05 am – Tardy bell rings. All students coming into the building must stop by the office and receive a tardy slip to give to the teacher.  

11:20 am – Dismissal of 3 and 4 year old Half Day Preschool students.

12:00 pm – Dismissal of all Full Day students on scheduled Half Days.

3:10 pm – Dismissal of all Full Day Preschool students

3:20 pm – Dismissal of all students K through 8.

3:20 pm – 6:00 pm – Afternoon Kid’s Club

FULL DAYS – 8:00am – 3:20pm
HALF DAYS – 8:00am – 12:00pm

1590 Riverbank  |  Lincoln Park, MI  48146  |  313-386-0633 Phone

© 2024 St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School